
Liebster Blog Award

by - 1:04 AM

Good day everyone! I am so happy to share a good news to you all. I was awarded the Liebster Blog Award by Jill at Create.Craft.Love ! Yeayyy!!

Thank you so much Jill!! Words can't express how much I appreciate this.  I'm just sharing my experience with everybody since I got so many request from friends on the places I've been to in my blog. Hope they can get some info from here. For anyone who haven't been to Jill's blog, please do so. She is so creative and you will be inspired by visiting. Trust me!! :D

Here are the rules for passing it along :

* Choose 5 up and coming blogs to award with less than 200 followers

* Show your appreciation to the blogger who awarded you by linking back to them

* Post the award on your blog

 * Link back to the blog you are awarding so that everyone else can pay them a visit

I am happy to pass this award on 5 fabulous blogs!

Hilary from Measure Once, Cut Twice  : DIY projects are cute & brilliant!

Emily from How Sweet the Sound : She host Pink Saturday. Her blog always make me smile

Bonnie from Revolutionaries : A creative vocalist. You will be inspired by her tutorials

Our Country Cove : The daily journal & beautiful pictures really made my day

Melissa from Love Bug Living : Her tutorials are fantastic & her recipes made me hungry

Congratulations pretty ladies! Please pass along the Liebster Blog Award. Wishing everybody a wonderful weekend. Thanks again to Jill

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