I'm currently in Taipei, Taiwan. Arrived on Monday 13/5 and I will be here until Sunday 19/5. My itinerary won't be too tight because this is a shopping trip for me. Taipei post will be up soonest I get back to Malaysia. Here are 2 pictures of me from the rooftop of our...
Tokyo - Day 6
- 8:56 PM
Ouchhh this was our very last day in Japan... Sob sob sob.. Our flight was at 11.30 pm which means we have more than 12 hours to visit a few places before we head to the airport. I Whatsapp our kind and helpful host Mink asking is there any chance for us leave...
Tokyo Disneyland
- 8:03 PM
Note : This post contains tons of photos that will make you vomit! It's D.I.S.N.E.Y day!!! We were looking forward to this day ever since we booked our flight ticket. Decided to get to the entrance once it's open, we only had onagiri and coffee on our way to the train station. ...