
Urban Decay Naked 2 Mini Launching

by - 12:41 PM

Sephora Malaysia advertised this 1 week before the pre-launching
Ok to be honest I didn't expect to buy this palette. Seriously!! Our youtube makeup gurus been talking about this palette for a while, doing review & tutorials but I seriously think that the colours are more or less the same with Naked palette. Why would I buy Naked 2 when I already have Naked? Everything is soooo perfect until I received a text from Nat asking if I'm going to the launching. I replied NO hehehehhehehe but I changed my mind the day before. That was on 13th Jan when I decided I should just go for the launching to accompany Nat, support Sephora and peek some new item there :P  Owh yeah I told Rachel too that I'm NOT going to buy anything..

I arrived at 2.15pm on 14th Jan. I was browsing and looking at some palette from Too Faced when 1 SA came to me and asked if I would like to buy Naked 2 and I have to queue at the entrance if I would like to. 10 seconds later, I was queuing with a smile on my face.

This was captured by 1 of Sephora's staff to be included in their FB album. Credit to Sephora Msia

Dina & I was in the line. Nat was on her way.
We did received a few samples from Urban Decay while queuing. The primer portion, lip glosses & foundations. The queue line was quite long and I'm lucky we were inside at the entrance while rest was outside the pathway under the sun. Looking at the long queue and how people actually came to grab this palette made me changed my mind. Since everyone will buy I should too! Ngeh ngeh ngeh... 3pm sharp Naked 2 was launched! The SA handed us 1 basket with Naked 2 inside and I took it happily.

Look at the long queue. This actually made me changed my mind hahahahaha
Eric Jimenez was doing a tutorial. Hey that's me & Nat trying to snap some photos
Yeay!! Finally we got our Naked 2. Can't wait to play with it :D

This was taken back on 18th June 2011 after the launching of Naked in Malaysia.

Ok thats it. No more eyeshadow palette for me except if they bring back the UD 15th Anniversary Palette :D
You can check the review of Naked 2 on other blogs/websites because I don't think I will be doing that except the swatches if I have the time.

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