

by - 11:31 AM

This is my very first posting!!

I am currently mad a.ka. felt in love with korean dramas, movies & osts. I know I'm a bit late because korean fever had hit Malaysia since 3 years ago but I just got hit few months ago. My first drama was "Coffee Prince". I felt in love with the hero, Gong Yoo the moment I saw him in the first scene. Then I started to google his pictures & biography from the internet. I even changed my desktop wallpaper to his picture. My friends keep teasing me, saying that there are other actors who are more handsome that him. I guess they are right because I felt in love with Hyun Bin too when I watch "My Lovely Kim Sam Soon" and I changed my desktop wallpaper to his picture too!

I have to admit that most korean actors and actresses are good looking and tall (korean are known for their heights). With a good plot of story and directo,  I believe these are the reason why we can easily accept their product in our country. From my personal opinion, I think that most korean dramas/movies plot are full of fantasy and love story, too damn good to be true. Very different from Hong Kong dramas/movies plot where they usually emphasized on the meaning of life, family ties and politics. The only korean drama (I've watched so far) that have this kind of morale of the story is "Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy".
Thanks to my lovely friends Rachel, Fok, Ani and Pit...

^hug hug^ witha

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