
Happy New Year 2010!!

by - 11:56 AM

This is my first entry on 2010! I have only 2 posts on 2009, well I guess I need to spare more time in my blog this year hahahahaha..
My new year celebration went on smoothly, according to the plan.. Yipeee & alhamdulillah.. I had a great time. It was so wonderful, not because of the party but because I am surrounded with my friends for life. I always believe it is not the event that counts, it's the person I celebrated with that matters. Don't get me wrong here, beside them I have another set of friends at work who were as much wonderful & kind. I hope we can do this some other time ya.. wink wink.
I don't have any new year resolution this year. I never really have before actually. But I do hope I'll do more something that I love for example scrapbooking. And that means more time & effort by me, putting aside all the extra work that I need to do at work ^sigh^ Owh yeah one more thing, I determine to cook our meal everyday. Ok I know this sounds funny but I'm serious.. It is so bored to have every single meal outside until at 1 point I don't really know where or what to eat anymore. Beside, it's healthier having home cook food. No MSG or presevatives added. Wish me luck on that..

us at 7ate9

Ok I think that's all for now. I'll be back soon for more. More stuff down to my memory lane , all the vacations and places I've been to, also foods that I've enjoyed.

Happy New Year 2010.. Cheers!!

^hug hug^ witha

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