
Wordless Wednesday

by - 11:33 AM
Can't believe its been a week after my last post! I'm super duper busy at the office lately and don't feel like doing anything when I got home because I am so exhausted. The only things that I did was checking my emails, and FB, twitting a bit with my amazing tweet family...

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Wordless Wednesday - Telephone Handbag

by - 2:55 PM
My first time doing Wordless Wednesday. This is one of my favorite handbag. ...

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Hong Kong Disneyland

by - 3:50 PM
Sorry girls, I've been missing a few days because I'm down with fever, flu and cough. I am a lot better now and will continue blogging today.   Continuing from my previous travel diary, I'm writing about my experienced in Hongkong Disneyland today. Hongkong Disneyland is located on Lantau and is accessible via...

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by - 2:52 PM
This is the first time I am participating in InstaFriday. I will be linking with liferearranged once she open the InstaFriday party link.  I'm enjoying Instagram very much and tried different app and techniques to edit. You can find me @witha on Instagram if you are interested.  Pictures speak a thousand words... Tea-break Chamomile Tea @...

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My Lazy Sunday

by - 2:46 PM
I was very tired from my birthday dinner celebration and night outing with my friends on Saturday night that I decided to just have my lunch at any restaurant at the hotel before I go home. After checking out and settled the room bills, I headed out to check Vogue Cafe if there...

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Pink Saturday

by - 12:11 PM
I had a wonderful buffet dinner at Temptations Restaurant, Renaissance Hotel KL last Saturday night. Ok I know my birthday was on March but I haven't got the time to celebrate it with my friends because everyone was so busy and gathering them all at a time is not easy  :D Thank you...

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Hong Kong Day 1

by - 9:56 PM
My visit to Hong Kong was back on 2010. Our flight landed in Shenzhen, China and we took a bus to Hong Kong. We purchased the tickets from a counter at the arrival hall A for RMB90 per person per way. The journey was less than 1 hour and the bus dropped us...

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