
Bittersweet Memories on May 2013

by - 4:31 PM

It's been almost a month since my last post. Before, I thought May will be a busy month because I had 2 holiday trip that were only 4 days apart from one another.  Never in across my mind, this thing will happened.  An unfortunate situation that required my full attention to my family.  Sorry I can't share what it was but everything seems ok now.  I'm grateful we were able to walk through these hard path together.  It make us stronger and closer than we were before...

Life pretty much back on track, our tears slowly fade away, I see beautiful smile and I hear the laughter of joy everyday now...  To our mum and dad, thank you so much for the loves and support, to my two monster brothers I know it was purely circumstantial..

With my mum

My two monster brothers :D

With my dad
Taken during our roadtrip to Melaka last weekend
Taken yesterday at Sunway Pyramid
Celebrating Fathers Day

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